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企業永續報告書ESG Report訓練課程 (GRI Standard) Insight into Environmental, Social, and Governance Reports&Learn ESG Report (GRI Standard) 為什麼我們要開這堂課?你或你的團隊被指派負責製作 ESG報告書嗎(或稱永續報告書、CSR報告書)? 如果是,那是往往不知道該揭露什麼?利害關係人在意什麼?最主要的讀者是誰?該用什麼方式來呈現?到底該從哪著手進行?若要怎麼樣才能符合GRI規範? 主管機關於2023年將要求資本額20億以上的上市櫃公司發表永續報告書,建議企業提早規劃。 永續報告書撰寫要了解氣候變遷帶來的風險跟機會,你知道企業應如何因應? Are you or your team are responsible for ESG Report? If the answer is yes. Are you confusing about: what to reveal? What do interested party care? Where to start and with what kind of type ? How could we do can conform GRI Standard? When many companies are making social responsibility reports, the problem is that they often don’t know what to expose? What do interested parties care about? Who is the main reader? What method should I use to present it? Where should I start? How can I meet the GRI standard ? The Government in Taiwan will require listed companies with a capital of more than 2 billion yuan to publish a Sustainability report in 2023 and recommend that companies plan ahead. Sustainability Report Writing To understand the risks and opportunities brought about by climate change, do you know how companies should respond? 本課程透過國際標準了解企業推行社會責任(CSR)之現況,並了解如何撰寫一本企業的永續報告書(ESG Report) Through international standards to Understand the current state of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and learn how to write a Environmental, Social, and Governance Report (ESG Report) 課程主題分成GRI及相關國際標準之介紹、各國ESG發展趨勢及案例研討、國內ESG績優企業案例研討。 This course has the following main themes: Introduction of GRI and related international standards/ National ESG development trends and case studies/ ESG excellent enterprise of Taiwan case studies. 什麼是社會責任報告書/永續績效報告書請參考:連結 課程特色
講師介紹王聖源 現職 領導力企管 總經理&首席顧問師 經歷: 授課講師為領導力企管首席永續管理顧問。 中山大學管院連續3年聘請為永續管理學程專聘教師及專家,實務及理論充足。 專長:永續管理、專案管理、品質管理、系統認證、教育訓練培訓、碳盤查及碳中和。 課程大綱結業可獲得什麼證明?全程參與且通過測驗之學員,您將會收到領導力企管核發之《ESG 實務訓練班永續管理師合格證書(ESG Practice Training Course Certificate)》。 課程效益
領導力企管 ISO 課程,全國獨家好禮!報名且繳費完成、全程出席上課時數之學員,將有機會獲得以下3大好禮:
課程詳情及報名連結:顧問手把手教你撰寫 永續報告書ESG Report-GRI訓練課程(精彩2日班) 評論已關閉。
作者寫一些關於自己的事。不必花俏,簡單描述即可。 封存檔
二月 2025
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Wishing Software Development Co., LTD. 台北總公司. T : 02-27271685 / 070-1018-0999 Email : [email protected] 110台北市信義區忠孝東路五段508號5樓之2 ウィッシングソフト株式会社 (東京支社) 〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷1-11-1 COI 西青山ビル3F T:+886-2-2727-1685 / +886-070-1018-0999 Mail:[email protected] |